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What are Photovoltaic Panels?

Photovoltaic (PV) panels, commonly known as solar panels, are devices that generate electricity by converting sunlight into electrical energy. This conversion process is known as the photovoltaic effect. PV panels are composed of many smaller units called photovoltaic cells. These cells are made of semiconducting materials, usually silicon, that absorb sunlight and generate an electrical current.

How do Photovoltaic panels work?

The working principle of photovoltaic panels is quite fascinating. Here’s a simplified step-by-step explanation:

  1. Absorption of Sunlight: When sunlight hits the surface of a photovoltaic panel, the energy of the light photons excites the surface electrons in the silicon atoms.

  2. Generation of Electrical Current: This excitation causes the electrons to jump from one atom to another, creating a flow of electrons or electrical current.

  3. Capture and Transfer of Electricity: This electrical current is then captured and transferred through wires connected to the panel.


It’s important to note that while solar systems need sunlight to work, most will still function on overcast days, albeit not at their full capacity.

Benefits of Installing Photovoltaic Panels in Your Home

Installing photovoltaic panels in your home comes with a host of benefits

Lower Energy Costs

Solar PV panels generate free electricity for you to use in your home. As a result, you’re going to experience overall lower energy costs.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

By generating your own electricity, you’re reducing your reliance on fossil fuels, thereby reducing your carbon footprint.

Grant aid from SEAI

Solar Electricity Grant of €2,100 from SEAI to help with your Photovoltaics installation costs.

Convenient Installation

Solar PV panels are easy to install. They can be installed on your roof or on the ground, causing little to no interference with your day-to-day life.


How much?


Who can apply?

All homeowners, including landlords, whose homes were built and occupied before 31st December 2020 can apply. This is defined as the date your electricity meter was installed. Note that this is different to other grant measures where the home must be built before 2006.

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