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Central heating controls are the brains of your heating system, they decide when your heating should be on or off.


The controls also give additional features such as:

  • Deciding what temperature your heating zone should heat to

  • Deciding what temperature your hot water should be kept at

  • What times the boiler comes on at

  • Allowing you to turn on the heating from your phone while away from the house

  • Allowing different rooms to be kept at different temperatures

  • Fluctuating the radiator or underfloor temperature based on changing outdoor temperatures


Your condensing boiler won't work to its best potential without good heating controls, therefore, your homes central heating controls are extremely important. Not only do they provide you with additional control and comfort, they also reduce your heating bills.


We work with a wide selection of heating controls, all which can be controlled remotely from your phone. A list of the suppliers is are below.


How much?



Who can apply?

All homeowners, including landlords, whose homes were built and occupied before 2006 can apply. Homes built from 2006 onwards should have been constructed to the 2003 Building Regulations and should not need significant upgrades. This is defined as the date your electricity meter was installed.



Take a look at the SEAI homeowners guide to heating controls

Brands we work with

Tado Logo.png

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